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The purpose of this website is to give you added resources on how to teach invasion games when constructing your lesson plans! Enjoy!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Move it Around- A Variation of the Skill of Basketball

Equipment:- 1 basketball per student, and cones to mark off the perimeter.

Safety: Student- Proper clothing and footwear (not baggy, clean shoes, shoes tied, no jewelry)
            Equipment- Basketballs are properly inflated
            Facility- Make sure you have a clean and clear playing area, boundaries are visibly marked, and activity performed away from obstacles. 

Playing Area: Gymnasium floor.

Tactical Focus:  Maintaining Possession (level 1)
·         Each student starts off by dribbling a basketball in the designated area.
·         Students travel through the designated area while controlling their dribble.
·         At the same time, students are striving to make their opponents lose control of their basketballs.
·         Once control is lost, the student retrieves their ball, and joins in on the game occurring in the other box/designated area.

·         Modify the size and weight of the ball.
·         Increase/decrease the size of the playing area.
·         Have designated offenders and defenders.

Tactical Awareness:
·         How were you traveling around with the basketball? Were you staying low to to ground?
·         What was the best position to have your body in to maintain control of the ball?
·         What was the best way to dribble the ball? Waist height? Lower to the ground? Up high to your chest?
·         How did you position yourself so that you can see both the ball and your opponents?

·         Reduce the size of the playing area
·         Allow players to dribble with two hands
·         Encourage dribbling with both the left and the right hand.

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