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The purpose of this website is to give you added resources on how to teach invasion games when constructing your lesson plans! Enjoy!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Sticky Shoe Tag- A Variation of Rubgy

Equipment: Cones to mark off the perimeter, different sizes and forms of balls (including a rugby ball).
Safety: Student- Student- Proper clothing and footwear (not baggy, clean shoes, shoes tied, no jewelry)
Equipment- All balls are properly inflated
Facility- Make sure you have a clean and clear playing area, boundaries are visibly marked, and activity performed away from obstacles.
Playing Area: Gymnasium floor.

Tactical Focus:  Maintaining Possession (Level 1), Create space ( Level 3); Defend space (Level 4)
·         Teams must pass by 2 rows of defenders without being tagged.
·         Defenders can only tag a player with the ball.
·         Defenders have special “sticky” on their shoes, and are stationed on a line. They can move side to side on the line, but not forward and back off the line.
·         The objective is for the ball carrier to draw the tagger to their side before passing to a player in open space.
·         If the ball carrier is tagged, that team becomes the sticky shoe taggers.
·         Stay within the boundaries.
·         Instead of just passing, players must make a legal rear-wards rugby pass
·         Using a rugby ball
·         Using a tennis ball
Tactical awareness
·         What were some strategies that the defenseman used?
·         How did you communicate with your partner/team?
·         How did your pace affect the outcome?
·         What did you find difficult about the passing strategy?
·         How did your body language help you create space?
Adaptive considerations
·         Make the playing surface narrower, or wider
·         Instead of running players could only walk
·         Add more lines of defenders
·         Add more taggers to a line

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