Equipment: 2 tennis balls, cones, pennies, 2 blue mats.
Safety: Proper clothing and footwear (not baggy, clean shoes, shoes tied, no jewelry). Make sure you have a clean and clear playing area, boundaries are visibly marked with cones, and activity performed away from obstacles. Pennies worn properly. Emphasizing 3 foot radius between players at all times.
Playing Area: Gymnasium floor.
Tactical Focus: Maintaining Possession (Offensive- level 1)
· Players start by spreading out on the court and calling for the ball
· Player with ball can take up to three steps, then throws tennis ball to teammate.
· Teammate catches ball and proceeds to repeat first step
Regain Possession (Defensive- level 2)
· Opposing teammate catches ball and is now on offense. Penny team is now on defense.
· Penny players move around court to block passes by opposing team to regain possession
· Penny team can regain possession by catching ball in the air or by interfering with the pass, whereby the ball hits the floor
` Create Space (Offensive- level 3)
· Triangular positioning on court
· Find the open space and be ready to receive ball
· Support ball carrier by vocalizing for possession
Defend Space (Defensive- level 4)
· Man/woman on man/woman defense (cover your person)
· Look for opportunities to intercept/block pass
· Maintain 3 foot radius from ball carrier
Attack the Goal (Offensive- level 5)
· Last player to receive pass is to throw the ball at either mat or backboard to earn 1pt
· Eyes forward (toward target), shift weight from back to front and release ball
Variations: Maximum of 3 steps while maintaining possession. Every player must touch tennis ball before team can score by throwing tennis ball at blue mat. Has to be a distinct pass instead on a hand off. (Triangle scheme works well). Rotate to the next variation with backboard. (Decrease/increase playing area, ball size)
Tactical Awareness:
· How were you traveling around with the tennis ball? Were you staying open?
· What was the best position to have your body in to maintain possession of the ball?
· What was the best way to pass the ball? Overhand? Underhand? Did your passes change when you changed courts?
· How easy was it to throw the tennis ball at your target?
· Reduce the size of the playing area
· Bigger balls, change target size
· Change 3 step rule/3 ft radius rule
Group Conclusion: Whip! In a circle around center of court.